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FG12 1st Circular - Inglês

FG12 1st Circular - Inglês


1st Circular


International Seminar Fazendo Gênero 12

Places of speech¹: rights, diversity and affects

26 to 31 July 2020

Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil


Since 1994, the Institute of Gender Studies (ieg.ufsc.br) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) has hosted, with the support of the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), the International Seminar Fazendo Gênero (Doing Gender). In its 11 editions, the Seminar has traditionally congregated researchers, students, activists, artists, teachers and people interested in issues involving gender, women, feminisms and sexualities. This year's theme is "Places of speech: rights, diversity and affects".

The theme for the International Seminar Fazendo Gênero 12 is located within the current debates on feminisms and the visibility of minority groups. Written in the plural, places of speech represent not a static form of expression and confrontation, but rather an agency of diversities in an intersectional mode, setting a quest for rights which cannot disregard the importance of relations and affects that mark contemporary struggles. Thus, in the politics of places of speech, the relational gesture of affective encounters is expressed in the recognition of the bodies and the sites of struggle of the many lives which resist the structures of power, reorganizing the dynamics of lives in contact, in the inescapable articulation of diversities. Furthermore, the International Seminar Fazendo Gênero 12 takes on a transnational character as it works to build networks from several continents and seeks to provide a space for dialogue, considering the diverse contexts stemming from different fields of knowledge and their forms of artistic expression, as well as links between social movements and the academia. Thus, the official languages of the International Seminar Fazendo Gênero 12 are Portuguese, Spanish and English. For the 2020 edition, the Seminar will, for the first time, accept presentations in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras).

The International Seminar Fazendo Gênero 12 will accept several modes of participation: Thematic Symposia, Minicourses, Workshops, Posters (for high school and undergraduate students), Audiovisual Exhibition, Feminist Art Exhibition (III Art and Gender Exhibition), Photographic Exhibition, Cultural Activities, Performances, Book/Journal/Teaching Materials Launch, and Circles of Conversation. The key dates, fees and information on registration will be available at the official website (http://fazendogenero.ufsc.br/12/) with a link to registration on June 4rd 2019.




Instructions for Thematic Symposia Proposals


The Thematic Symposia (ST) will take place in two afternoons. The symposia will be coordinated by two (minimum) or three (maximum) people from two or three different institutions, and at least one of the coordinators has to hold a PhD degree. The idea is that the symposia should be proposed and coordinated by one academic person together with an activist and/or an artist. To substantiate their titles, the doctors should present their CVs; the artists should present a portfolio; and the activists, a memorial.

The symposia will be divided into two cycles: Cycle A (Monday and Tuesday) and Cycle B (Thursday and Friday). To be implemented, each symposium, regardless of its Cycle, must have at least 15 and at most 20 registered works. If the coordinators find that it is appropriate to accept more than 20 papers, an exception can be negotiated with the scientific committee. All symposia will take place in the afternoon, from 2 to 5 pm.

The works presented during the Thematic Symposia can include academic papers, as well as performances, experience reports or other forms of expression, as long as they conform to the theme of the symposium and are considered relevant by the coordinators.


General guidelines

  • Proposals for Thematic Symposia can be submitted from June 4rd 2019 to midnight August 12th 2019, Brasília Time (GMT - 3).
  • Symposium proposals will be selected by the scientific committee and will be evaluated in terms of consistency, relevance, affinity with gender and women's studies, feminisms and sexualities, and clarity. Priority will be given to proposals connected to the event's central theme.
  • The Thematic Symposia must be linked to one of the following thematic axes, always articulated with gender and feminist studies:


1.     Arts;

2.     Conflicts;

3.     Disabilities;

4.     Human Rights;

5.     Reproductive Rights;

6.     Economics;

7.     Education;

8.     Environment;

9.     Media;

10.   Migrations;

11.   Social Movements;

12.   Rural Life;

13.   Politics;

14.   Race and Ethnicity;

15.   Religion;

16.   Health;

17.   Sexualities;

18.   Work;

19.   Trans-identities;

20.   Violence.


  • The results will be available on the proponents' registration area on September 2nd 2019.
  • The proponents' registration fee must be paid until September 10th 2019. The registration of individual papers within the approved symposia will only be completed after the registration fees have been paid.


It is the responsibility of the Thematic Symposia coordinators to:


  • Receive, evaluate and select the papers submitted to their Thematic Symposium;
  • Approve and organize the presentation of the accepted papers in the event's website;
  • Make sure that the Thematic Symposium has a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 20 papers;
  • Make the list of papers accepted for their symposium available online on the established dates;
  • Organize the presentation sessions;
  • Coordinate the symposium activities during the event;
  • Fill in an online final report about the activities developed during the symposium.


Attention: The organizing committee cannot guarantee grants or any financial help for Thematic Symposia coordinators.


Important: The instructions and key dates for registration in the other modalities of presentation will be available at http://fazendogenero.ufsc.br/12/.

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UFSC and Florianópolis welcome you!

Florianópolis is a tourist city located on an island in the south of Brazil, surrounded by beautiful beaches and scenery, and hosting important universities and movements which have become a reference in the field of feminist and gender studies in Brazil. Florianópolis, the capital city of the state of Santa Catarina, is close to major urban centers in Brazil and in the Southern Cone of South America. The Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) houses the Institute of Gender Studies, one of the main centers for studies on women, feminisms, gender and sexualities in Brazil, and which has promoted the Fazendo Gênero Seminar (www.fazendogenero.ufsc.br), since 1994, as well as published the Revista de Estudos Feministas (Journal of Feminist Studies - www.scielo.br/ref), since 1999.



¹Places of speech is the plural form of a term that has informed debates within black feminism in Brazil, articulated with an intersectional perspective. In the academy, the term has been discussed in the singular form, taking on, among other sources, Djamila Ribeiro's book O Que é Lugar de Fala? (What is Place of Speech?). In Brazilian popular music, the expression has gained force in Elza Soares' voice with the song "O Que Se Cala" (That Which Is Silenced) that states "O meu país / é meu lugar de fala" (My country / is my place of speech).



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